Experimental self fulfilling prophesy and public sculpture at UTOPIA PARKWAY, an art festval organized by INTERVENTIONSRAUM STUTTGART
An abandoned flower shop in a to-be-demolished mall is where I started the Work Life Balance Laboratory.
The space in the commercal heart of Stuttgart functioned as my living room, studio, exhibition space and over time also developed into café, meeting point, library, open stage, bar and dance floor.. 24/7 over the course of five weeks..
fikus plant, discoball motor, aluminium, wood, paint, spotlight
Ulrike Buck 2011
curtain, paint
Helmut Dietz 2011
Foto: Daniela Wolf
Der Begriff Work-Life-Balance steht für einen Zustand, in dem Arbeit und Privatleben miteinander in Einklang stehen. Kritisch anzumerken ist zu diesem Begriff die enthaltene implizite Unterstellung, dass (Berufs-)Arbeit ("work") etwas anderes sei und abseits passiere vom Leben ("life").
The work-leisure dichotomy was invented in the mid 1800s. In anthropology, a definition of happiness is to have as little separation as possible "between your work and your play." The expression "Work–life balance" was first used in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual's work and personal life. In the United States, this phrase was first used in 1986.
Over the past twenty-five years, there has been a substantial increase in work which is felt to be due, in part, by information technology and by an intense, competitive work environment. Long-term loyalty and a "sense of corporate community" have been eroded by a performance culture that expects more and more from their employees yet offers little security in return.
Many experts predicted that technology would eliminate most household chores and provide people with much more time to enjoy leisure activities; but many ignore this option, encouraged by prevailing consumerist culture and a political agenda that has "elevated the work ethic to unprecedented heights and thereby reinforced the low value and worth attached to parenting" Source: Wikipedia
This signs appeared in the area only a week after the end of Work Life Balance Laboratory.